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Vi vann - Paul McCartney och jag


HBK in Memoriam
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Dear [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Jan[/FONT],

I have exciting news that's out of this world. Following more than a year of vigorous campaigning by PETA, NASA has quietly shelved plans for cruel radiation experiments on dozens of monkeys that would have cost $1.75 million, and we are over the moon!
In the proposed NASA-funded experiments that were to be conducted by an experimenter at Harvard's McLean Hospital, dozens of squirrel monkeys would have been exposed to a harmful dose of radiation and then isolated in cages and subjected to years of behavioral experiments in order to measure the damage caused by the radiation. Such damage likely would have included cancerous tumors, cataracts, brain damage, loss of motor control, and early death.

Thanks to tens of thousands of letters, phone calls, protests, and tweets by PETA supporters, this misguided plan has been grounded, and monkeys will be spared this cruelty.
In addition to PETA members, our campaign also received support from Sir Paul McCartney, Bob Barker, and Alicia Silverstone. Even former astronauts, NASA engineers, and the European Space Agency spoke out on our side and against NASA's ill-conceived plan to torment squirrel monkeys.

Please help us win even more groundbreaking victories for animals by making a special tax-deductible gift right now.

Thank you for everything that you have done—and will do in 2011—to help animals.



Kathy Guillermo
Vice President
Laboratory Investigations Department


HBK Medlem
Sv: Vi vann - Paul McCartney och jag

Paul, Jappe och jag! :D

Dear Julian,
I have exciting news that's out of this world. Following more than a year of vigorous campaigning by PETA, NASA has quietly shelved plans for cruel radiation experiments on dozens of monkeys that would have cost $1.75 million, and we are over the moon!
Thanks to tens of thousands of letters, phone calls, protests, and tweets by PETA supporters, this misguided plan has been grounded, and monkeys will be spared this cruelty.
Without your help and the help of tens of thousands of other compassionate people like you who contacted NASA and other government agencies, this important victory for animals would have been impossible.
In addition to PETA members, our campaign also received support from Sir Paul McCartney, Bob Barker, and Alicia Silverstone.
Please help us win even more groundbreaking victories for animals by making a special tax-deductible gift right now.
Thank you for everything that you have done—and will do in 2011—to help animals.
Sincerely, Kathy Guillermo
Vice President Laboratory Investigations Department
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals

Men borde det inte göras något åt detta?
Senast ändrad:


HBK in Memoriam
Sv: Vi vann - Paul McCartney och jag

Självklart! Min första (och sista) tjurfäktning såg jag för c:a 50 år sedan och uppfattade omedelbart den sortens kamp som ett djävulskt djurplågeri och ingenting annat och jag vill minnas att jag begrep att det hela inte gick riktigt juste till. Jag jublar idag när en tjurfäktare får på nöten, tyvärr alltför sällan!
Jag hade en hel serie bilder här på HBK för något år sedan och där skrev jag tydligt vad jag tyckte om spektaklet. Jag tror dock att opinionen är på väg att svänga t.o.m. i de katolska länderna där Påven och hans anhang har ett så fördärvligt inflytande på massorna!
