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En ny Ipad eller en ny Samsung tab ???


F.d. 25168


Nää ingen af delene, men en tablet fra 1994 :)

Judge Koh’s statement gave a devastating blow to Apple’s copyright claim over the iPad design, stating that the patent was invalid as it reflects Samsung’s defense raising an art reference of the design, specifically the Knight Ridder.
An unsealed court filing shows that Samsung’s primary argument is based on the fact the iPad design is obvious:
In 1994, the publisher Knight-Ridder produced and distributed a video that showed such a device with many of the elements embodied in Apple’s later D’889 patent application, including an overall rectangular shape with four evenly rounded corners, a flat clear surface on the front of the device, a rim surrounding the front surface, a substantially flat back panel that rounds up near the edges to form the rim around the front surface, and a thin form factor. Apple failed to disclose this device to the PTO during the D’889 patent’s prosecution, even though Apple knew of its existence directly from Dr. Fidler, with whom Apple worked.
In order for Apple to likely succeed in the preliminary injunction stage, the company must prove whether or not the iPad design is obvious when being compared to the Knight-Ridder tablet and other past designs. Apple and Samsung’s legal battle continues globally as Apple fights it way to maintain control over its tablet market share.

Måske Apple nu stopper deres designklager over Samsung och andre :)

Jag venter bare på Samsung Galaxy 11.6 Tab, der åbenbart er på vej inden for de näste par måneder :)