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Van conversion in Sweden


F.d. 55149

Hello my swede friends,
I may have the possibility to live and work in Sweden in the near future.

Is it possible and easy or difficult (due to burocracy and laws) to convert a van to a camper van by myself?

In Italy it's quite impossible to do it yourself, due to laws and burocracy. In Germany, USA and Canada Is very easy and it can be DIY (do it yourself)

How are the laws in Sweden? Can a person do that conversion by himself and go on the road?

Is the Stockholm area good and interesting for weekend trips near the area?
Sorry I dont know well the area, so I ask you.

Thank you so much.
Any suggestion would be appreciated.

Bye Andrea


FD HBK Medlem
Hi Andrea, you can do the conversion yourself - it is a few things that must be in place to change the registration from cargo van to camper. The rules are about the same as in Germany.

F.d. 59502

Stockholm "metropolitan area" area is not very camper friendly, if you dislike campsites, but there are a number of campsites that can be used within 50 km from the city center. If you extend your travels further than that, 2-4 hours of driving, you can find quite a lot of places to stay a night or so. It might even be possible for you to get a site for yourself close to a lake or stream.


F.d. 55149

Stockholm "metropolitan area" area is not very camper friendly, if you dislike campsites, but there are a number of campsites that can be used within 50 km from the city center. If you extend your travels further than that, 2-4 hours of driving, you can find quite a lot of places to stay a night or so. It might even be possible for you to get a site for yourself close to a lake or stream.

Thank you Hans!
Yes I thought to travel a bit, some hours from the metropolitan area.
Thank you!
Hi Andrea, you can do the conversion yourself - it is a few things that must be in place to change the registration from cargo van to camper. The rules are about the same as in Germany.
Wow! Greate news!
Thank you Knut!

F.d. 59502

I found this for outdoor near Stockholm.
Interesting ..

Camping as in tenting can be done in a lot of places as it is stated in #1 in the link. But that "right" is not valid for campers or caravans, only for tents. Cars must be kept on roads or on parking places (or corresponding). Bullets 3-8 in the link you sent are campsites and can be used for camper vans. In general, a blue "P"-sign (parking place) allows you to park for 24 hours if there ar no additional signs limiting time or type of vehicle allowed to park. Staying overnight in nature reserves and other such areas is, in general, not allowed. On the other hand the actual parking site belonging to the reserve can often be just outside the boundary of the reserve, and can thus be used.

So there are rules and they are often local and hard to keep track of.

If you pay the membership fee to "Husbilsklubben" you will get access to a vast database of sites usable for campers. "Husbilsplatser" in the menu. Without the fee you will only see service places (filling and emptying tanks etc.).
